AUTH/3278/11/19 - Anonymous v Strides

Promotion of Strivit-D3

  • Received
    04 November 2019
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    14 August 2020
  • No breach Clause(s)
  • Breach Clause(s)
  • Sanctions applied
    Undertaking received
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    No appeal

Case Summary

An anonymous, non-contactable individual complained about a journal advertisement for Strivit-D3 (colecaliferol) placed by Strides Pharma UK Ltd. Strivit-D3 was a vitamin D3 supplement for the prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in adults and adolescents with an identified risk and also for use in osteoporosis in those with, or at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

The complainant alleged that the headline claim ‘The Licensed Vitamin D3 of Choice’ implied that Strivit-D3 was the only licensed vitamin D3 available which was not so. The complainant alleged that the claim was a superlative in breach of the Code.

The complainant also noted that the advertisement did not include refences to the claim ‘There are some groups who are recommended to take their daily vitamin D all year round’. Although a reference was cited at the bottom of the page (1 Data on file) there was no corresponding superscript in the main body of the advertisement.

Finally, the complainant noted that the advertisement stated ‘Prescribing information can be found on the back’, whereas it was in fact located at the bottom of the page.

The detailed response from Strides is given below.

In the Panel’s view the claim ‘StrivitD3 The Licensed Vitamin D of Choice’ implied that Strivit-D3 was the licensed vitamin D3 that should be used before and above all others; it was the first choice. The Panel considered that the claim was not a superlative as alleged but it was misleading and exaggerated the properties of Strivit-D3. Breaches of the Code were ruled.